Re: What is this problem?
You can fix this by putting every kerned glyph in a class. Thus, even if one character has only one kern (most likely X), make a kerning class for it!4 -
Re: Council for German Orthography officially allows use of u+1E9E
Christian, it’s your preference. You can’t claim it’s the victor any more than one can claim that single-bowl a and g have triumphed over the double-bowls. In my experience, I’m never sure which vari…0 -
Re: Type Network's new CEO
It doesn’t matter whether the distribution platform is owned by type designers, because they may sell it anyway. If you don’t want your font business to end up in a distribution channel owned by Mono…7 -
Re: Visual Alternatives to Times New Roman?
I would have thought that a comfortably line-spaced “typewriter” font would have been preferable for student manuscripts, with plenty of room for editor’s marks. What say you, Craig?0 -
Re: Platonic Ideals in Typography
I try to avoid neutral. Being in gear takes one much further.2